How to give clients the lashes they actually want


Brain dumps of everything in my mind!


Let’s imagine a scenario – A new client comes in for a full set (yay!) You prep your station and get everything ready to go. You get started and begin to spend the next few hours working hard to perfectly place every. single. lash. After removing the gel pads and handing them the mirror for […]

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How to give clients the lashes they actually want


How to Give Clients the Lashes They Want

Let’s imagine a scenario – A new client comes in for a full set (yay!) You prep your station and get everything ready to go. You get started and begin to spend the next few hours working hard to perfectly place every. single. lash. After removing the gel pads and handing them the mirror for […]


What I’ve learned from running a successful lash salon..

6 years and over 20k appointments booked at my lash salon, there is honestly one major theme I can summarize a novel of lessons I’ve learned into: “The world would be a better place if humans choose humanity over money”. If I could tell every new business owner, regardless of the industry, it would seriously […]


Favorite tripods for the BEST lash content.

You know those amazing lash videos that you see where the lighting is perfect and the phone is perfectly stabilized? That’s all thanks to the lighting and tripod used. I swear that I have tried every single different type of tripod, light/ tripod combo, Phone attachment you name it- I guarantee I’ve tried it. Giving […]


The power of a good lash lift

how long does a lash lift last?  we say lash lifts last for approximately 8-12 weeks, but why such a difference in the time frame? ⁣ ⁣ Lash Lifts are a chemical keratin process done to the natural lash that keeps them curled in an upright position. over time, the natural lashes won’t necessarily “lose […]


How to apply lashes to downturned natural lashes

When a client comes in with downturned natural lashes, I honestly get a little extra excited. This is because our before + after transformation will be even more satisfying. Downturned natural lashes can be extremely frustrating for clients and can be difficult to work with when using mascara and strip lashes at home. As lash artists, we […]


How to handle an allergic reaction to lash extensions.

Hands down — one of the most frustrating things that can happen as a lash artist & as a client is an allergic reaction. But first we have to understand, what is an allergic reaction? And also — how do we handle it? Understanding what an allergic reaction actually is, is the best way to […]


How much money can you actually make from doing lash extensions?

How Much Can You Actually Make from Doing Lash Extensions?  The lash extension business has only grown over the last few years, and this fashion trend is sure to continue to expand, unsurprisingly. Lash extensions do wonders for your face. Not only do they boost your self-confidence, but they add dimension and enhance your look. […]


Do you make these simple mistakes when lash mapping?

Lash map | noun  strategic plan of lengths, curls, thicknesses and layers of lash extension placement to ensure custom, ideal & flattering set  Applying lashes is the basic fundamental skill that every lash tech has to master to start their career, but the art of lash mapping seems to be missing from the vast majority […]


A love letter to the burned out lash artist

Owning a business or working in the beauty industry, we all get to a point of feeling burned out. Spreading yourself too thin. Loosing sight of what matters.  For me, quality is the absolute most important characteristic in my work and at my studio. I knew it was time for me to hire staff, when […]


Oh no! I think I might be having an allergic reaction!

Did you feel perfectly fine walking out of the studio after you got your pretty set of new eyelash extensions done, only to wake up the following morning to your top eye lids swollen, red and itchy? Chances are you’re having an allergic reaction to the adhesive, in which only 1% of the population has […]


Lash Map guide

Download Our Lash Map Guide

Lashes are a luxury service, and definitely  not one size fits all. I spilled all the tea on my favorite go to tips for quick, precise lash maps styled perfectly for any eye!




Check your inbox for the download!